Title: An Introduction to Architecture
Genre: Friendship, Melodrama, Romance
Summary: 35-year-old architect Seung-Min (Uhm Tae-Woong) receives a visit at
his office from a woman. Seung-Min doesn’t recognize the woman at first,
but then realizes the woman is Seo-Yeon (Han Ga-In). Seo-Yeon is his
first love, but he hasn’t seen her since his freshman year in college.
Seo-Yeon now has a request. She wants to hire Seung-Min to rebuild her
home on Jeju Island.
15 years ago, Seung-Min (Lee Je-Hoon) is a naive young man beginning
his architecture studies in college. He first meets Seo-Yeon (Bae Suzy)
in his Architecture 101 class. As they work on a class project together,
Seung-Min and Seo-Yeon begin to fall in love.
Back to the present day, Seung-Min is hesitant to take Seo-Yeon’s job
offer. Seo-Yeon persists and even goes to his boss with her wish.
Seung-Min now has no choice, but to take on Seo-Yeon’s home project. Old
memories of love and heartbreak will soon resurface, as they find
themselves at different junctions in their lives …
Part 1 l Part 2 l Part 3 l Part 4 l Subtitle
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