Title: As One
Genre: Sports
Summary: Table tennis player Hyun Jung-Hwa (Ha Ji-Won)
wins silver medals, but always comes up short in the gold medal matches
against a rival Chinese table tennis player. One month prior to the
1991 World Table Tennis Championships in Chiba, Hyun Jung-Hwa hears that
a single Korean table tennis will be formed from South and North Korea.
The South Korean players and its coach oppose the idea. Despite the
opposition, the united Korean table tennis team is formed.
Players from South and North Korea meet at a training camp in Chiba, Japan. They are forced to become one team, but from their practice routines, to how they talk and how they live all cause clashes. Top North Korean table tennis player Lee Boon-Hee (Bae Doo-Na) and Hyun Jung-Hwa enter a war of nerves. The World Table Tennis Championships is fast approaching, but the Korean team can’t even get along. Finally, the 1991 World Table Tennis Championships begins …
Players from South and North Korea meet at a training camp in Chiba, Japan. They are forced to become one team, but from their practice routines, to how they talk and how they live all cause clashes. Top North Korean table tennis player Lee Boon-Hee (Bae Doo-Na) and Hyun Jung-Hwa enter a war of nerves. The World Table Tennis Championships is fast approaching, but the Korean team can’t even get along. Finally, the 1991 World Table Tennis Championships begins …
Part 1 l Part 2 l Part 3 l Part 4
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